Utilization, deceiving, or a good Identicator? Can utilization be used as a good identifier to check if your network capacity is sufficient? How to interpret and how to compare this with your environment? Let’s talk about it.
Remote Spectrum analysis with Cisco When there is a problem with a wireless client, and you have determined the coverage is good. A look into the spectrum to troubleshoot the layer 1 characteristics is a good start.This we do to rule out or find any interference on the spectrum. For that we use Chanalyzer. It comes with an accessory to […]
Capacity problem or bad luck? When I look at the specification room below, we see 130 people can sit in this room and 70 people during an exam. 70×2 devices (mobile phone and laptop) make 140 devices. Let’s do a capacity calculation But what If the 2,4Ghz was blasted away by a microwave that sitting just across the hallway of […]