With the cloud adapting era and the high energy prices a lot of companies to moving their solutions to the cloud. Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences (CMX) including the capabilities Location, CMX Connect, and CMX Analytics days are numbered. The documentation was last updated back in April 2019 and CMX Connect and CMX Analytics are gone.
The whole dev team is now focusing on Cisco Spaces (formerly Cisco DNA). Recently (22 September) Cisco rebranded the name of Cisco DNA Spaces to Cisco Spaces. The main reason to do so was that companies can use Cisco Spaces without using the Cisco DNA-Center appliances and that causes a lot of confusion)
We can add Client Sta in 4 data groups
Counting client STA in Cisco Spaces D&L is counting Randomised Mac devices, CMX does not.
Mac addresses starting with: X2, X6, XA, and XE are randomized mac addresses. (that will be deprecated in the near future) does not.
Explaining the discrepancy
•Detect & Locate (CMX) Associated Device Count = A. Probing count = C
•Detect & Locate (Spaces) Associated devices count= A+B. Probing count =C.. A+B>A. Hence Spaces count will be higher
•Mac Randomization of Associated devices is a more recent phenomenon (Sep 2019) and Spaces has been upgraded to recognize and incorporate these devices. CMX is a legacy system, and we are currently not doing any enhancements
•There are other minor differences as CMX and Spaces are computed on diff servers, but these are marginal and transient.
Probing only clients that are not associated is not reliable data so we can better turn it off in Cisco Spaces and in CMX. Counting probing clients can cause an extremely high number of device count at the edges of the building and around the perimeter of the building.